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SCRUMAI: Scrum Master AI Agent which plans and runs sprint ceremonirs and advocate for Agile best practices

SCRUMAI is your personalised virtual Scrum Master, facilitating all the ceremonies like stand-ups, retrospectives, and sprint planning via an interactive dashboard. It use machine learning to offer process improvements and risk assessments.


"Empower Your Agile Journey - AI-driven Scrum Mastery at Your Service"


SCRUMAI is your digital Scrum Master, an AI-powered assistant designed to streamline your Agile processes. Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, SCRUMAI plans and runs sprint ceremonies, ensures adherence to Agile best practices, and provides actionable insights to keep your team ahead of the curve. By automating the routine yet crucial aspects of project management, SCRUMAI frees up your human Scrum Masters to focus on strategy and team building, making every sprint more productive and less cumbersome.


  1. Automated Sprint Ceremonies: Say goodbye to manual planning and let SCRUMAI handle the scheduling and running of all your sprint ceremonies.
  2. Data-Driven Insights: Improve your sprints with AI-powered analysis of past performance and predictive assistance for future planning.
  3. Best Practices Advocate: Ensure your team is always following Agile best practices with gentle reminders and tips from your AI companion.
  4. Seamless Integration: SCRUMAI easily integrates into your existing tech stack, offering a smooth transition and immediate efficiency gains.
  5. Time-Saving: Free up valuable time for your team to focus on delivering high-quality work instead of getting bogged down in administrative tasks.
  6. Scalable Agility: Whether you're a startup or a multinational, SCRUMAI scales with your team, ensuring Agile support that grows with your needs.


- #AgileTransformation
- #DigitalScrumMaster
- #AIProjectManagement
- #AutomateAgile
- #AgileInnovation
- #SprintSuccess
- #TechEfficiency

Call to Action:

Ready to elevate your Agile process with AI? Let SCRUMAI guide your sprints to success. Try SCRUMAI today and lead your team into the future of project management. [Start Your Free Trial]


An AI-powered Scrum Master could definitely be a game-changer in project management. This tool would need to incorporate various Agile methodologies and have a deep understanding of Scrum practices to plan and facilitate sprint ceremonies effectively, such as sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives.

For a ScrumAI like the one you're envisioning, it would need to:

  • Automate Scheduling: Use calendar APIs to schedule meetings and send out reminders.
  • Facilitate Stand-ups: Have the ability to conduct daily stand-ups, perhaps via a chat interface, where team members can input their updates.
  • Track Progress: Integrate with project management tools to track sprint progress, update tasks, and flag issues.
  • Data Analysis: Utilize data from previous sprints to provide insights and suggest improvements.
  • Advocate Best Practices: Offer tips and reminders about Agile best practices, and ensure the team adheres to the Scrum framework.
  • Continuous Learning: Learn from each sprint to become more effective in planning and facilitation.

The AI part could be handled by incorporating machine learning models that can predict task completion, identify risks, and suggest improvements based on historical data. You could also use NLP (Natural Language Processing) to parse daily stand-up inputs and extract meaningful insights.

Evelator pitch

SCRUMAIis your AI-powered Scrum Master - a digital assistant whose sole focus is to supercharge your Agile workflows. Imagine your sprint planning sessions, daily stand-ups, and reviews all seamlessly organized and run by an AI that's available 24/7. It’s not just about replacing a human role; it's about enhancing the team's ability to deliver great work.

SCRUMAI is here to make sure that your team sticks to the Agile principles without the overhead of administrative tasks. It tracks progress in real-time, nudges when things are off track, and gathers data to provide insights that help you constantly improve. Plus, it's designed to fit right into your existing tech setup. With SCRUMAI, you'll get more than just efficiency; you'll get a transformational tool that evolves with your team, ensuring that every sprint is more productive than the last. How does that sound for revolutionizing the way your teams work?


Absolutely, Mat, breaking it down into three components makes perfect sense for a well-rounded approach.

Pre-Sprint Activities: - Objective Setting: SCRUMAI can facilitate workshops to define the product vision and objectives for the MVP and subsequent versions. - Roadmap Planning: It can analyze past performance data to suggest a realistic number of sprints needed to achieve the MVP, V2, V3, etc., and help you plot a roadmap. - Resource Allocation: Based on the objectives and roadmap, SCRUMAI can assist in assigning tasks and resources for each sprint.

Sprint Activities: - Sprint Planning: SCRUMAI will handle the nuts and bolts of sprint planning, ensuring that each sprint has clear goals and deliverables. - Daily Scrums: It can conduct virtual stand-ups, collect updates, and present them in a digestible format, keeping everyone on the same page. - Progress Tracking: Throughout the sprint, SCRUMAI can monitor task completion and offer predictive insights to keep the team on track.

Post-Sprint Activities: - Sprint Retrospectives: After each sprint, SCRUMAI can compile data to facilitate a retrospective, highlighting successes and areas for improvement. - Version Release Review: At the end of a release cycle, it can conduct a comprehensive version retrospective to look back on the full version development, not just a single sprint. - Continuous Learning: Based on feedback from the version retrospective, SCRUMAI can adjust the planning and execution of subsequent sprints for continuous improvement.

To divide these into specific AI tasks:

  1. Data Analysis: Use historical data to inform planning phases and predictive models for future sprints.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): For gathering and interpreting daily updates and feedback.
  3. Automated Scheduling and Reminders: For efficient time management across all stages.
  4. Integration with Development Tools: To pull in real-time data for tracking and reporting purposes.
  5. Feedback Loop: Implement a system where SCRUMAI learns from each iteration to refine the process for the next cycle.

Each task should be backed by your tech stack, using FastAPI for the backend logic, MongoDB for data storage, and lightweight JavaScript for any frontend interactions. Docker will ensure that SCRUMAI runs smoothly in any environment, and AWS EC2 will provide the necessary compute power.

"LISTAI" Project Example

As your SCRUMAI, I'd kick things off by asking you a series of targeted questions to flesh out the project scope and your vision for ListEye. We'd discuss the core functionalities you envision, the problems you're aiming to solve, and the target user base. Here's how our interaction might go:

  1. Vision and Scope:
  2. "Mat, could you tell me more about what ListEye aims to achieve? What's the primary value it will offer to users?"

  3. Functionality and Features:

  4. "Let's outline the key features for ListEye. What are the must-haves for the MVP, and what are some nice-to-haves for future versions?"

  5. Target Audience:

  6. "Who is ListEye for? Understanding the audience will help in prioritizing features and design decisions."

  7. Timeline and Resources:

  8. "What are your expectations regarding the timeline? Do you have any deadlines in mind, and what resources can we allocate to this project?"

  9. Success Metrics:

  10. "How will we measure the success of ListEye? Let's set some clear KPIs to aim for."

After gathering your responses, I would process the information and use it to draft an initial product backlog, which we would then refine together. From there, we'd establish the roadmap and decide on the number of sprints, along with specific goals for each sprint.

Throughout this process, I'd ensure that our conversation is constructive and that your project vision is translated into actionable items that can be systematically tackled during the sprints.

Live Documenation example - Pre-Sprints Phase

Documenting the pre-sprint phase for LISTAI in mkdocs. Here's a snapshot of how the Q&A might be recorded:

Pre-Sprints Phase: Project ListEye

  • Objective Definition:

Q: "Mat, can you define ListEye's primary objective in one sentence?"

A: "To create an innovative platform that curates top 100 lists across various categories, providing both objective and subjective data insights."

  • Feature Breakdown:

Q: "What are the essential features needed for the MVP?"

A: "User account creation, list creation and editing functionality, a voting system, and a responsive design for cross-platform compatibility."

  • User Persona:

Q: "Who do you see as the primary user for ListEye?"

A: "Individuals passionate about rankings and data, who enjoy contributing to and consuming curated content."

  • Timeline Establishment:

Q: "What's our target date for launching the MVP?"

A: "We're aiming for a launch in six months, giving us time for two-week sprints and buffer for unforeseen delays."

  • Success Metrics:

Q: "What metrics will we use to measure the MVP's success post-launch?"

A: "User engagement rates, number of lists created, daily active users, and feedback scores on usability."

This documented conversation serves as a blueprint for the project, ensuring that everyone involved is aligned with the goals, features, and timelines. Each response would inform the creation of user stories and tasks in our backlog. As SCRUMAI, I would facilitate these discussions, document the outcomes, and help translate them into actionable plans for the sprints ahead.

Live example - Pre-Sprints Phase

If we have five weeks to ship ListEye, we'll need to be strategic with our sprints. Given our time frame, each sprint will last one week. Here's a structured approach for our mkdocs:

Sprint 1: Setup and Foundation

  • Goal: Establish the project's technical foundation.
  • Backlog Items:
  • Set up the development environment using Docker and Docker Compose.
  • Initialize the MongoDB database schema based on the data requirements.
  • Develop the basic REST API endpoints with FastAPI.
  • Create the core front-end layout with Jinja2 templates.

Sprint 2: Core Features Development

  • Goal: Develop the MVP's core functionalities.
  • Backlog Items:
  • User authentication system (back-end and front-end).
  • List creation and management functionality.
  • Basic voting system for the lists.

Sprint 3: User Interface and Experience

  • Goal: Enhance the user interface and user experience.
  • Backlog Items:
  • Develop responsive front-end designs.
  • Implement AJAX for dynamic content updates without page reloads.
  • Front-end validation and user feedback mechanisms.

Sprint 4: Testing and Iteration

  • Goal: Test all functionalities and iterate based on feedback.
  • Backlog Items:
  • Write and run unit and integration tests.
  • Conduct user testing sessions.
  • Refine features according to user feedback.

Sprint 5: Final Touches and Deployment

  • Goal: Finalize the product for launch.
  • Backlog Items:
  • Bug fixing and performance optimization.
  • Final deployment to AWS EC2 instance.
  • Set up continuous integration and deployment pipelines.

Developer Agents Needed:

  • Back-End Developer: To handle the API, database, and server-side logic.
  • Front-End Developer: To create the interactive user interface.
  • Full-Stack Developer: To assist with integration and ensure smooth interaction between front-end and back-end.
  • DevOps Engineer: To manage Docker setups, AWS deployment, and CI/CD pipelines.
  • QA Engineer: To oversee testing, ensure quality standards, and manage releases.

Each sprint would be packed with tasks, so story points need to reflect the intensity and complexity of the work. For instance, setting up the environment might be lower in points compared to developing the list management system, which would be more complex.

For each task, we'll clearly define the acceptance criteria and ensure it aligns with the sprint goal. And, of course, we'd have daily stand-ups to check progress and adapt as needed.

Product Tasks:

  • Meeting Scheduling: Automate the scheduling of sprint ceremonies (planning, daily stand-ups, review) using calendar integration tools.
  • Agenda Setting: Auto-generate meeting agendas based on the sprint backlog and outstanding issues.
  • Notification Reminders: Send automated reminders for meetings and deadlines through instant messaging platforms.

Tech Tasks:

  • Environment Setup: Use infrastructure as code tools for automated environment provisioning.
  • Code Linting and Reviews: Implement automated code linting and review processes using CI tools.
  • Testing: Automate unit and integration testing using CI pipelines.
  • Deployment: Set up CD pipelines for automatic deployment to staging and production environments after code merges.

As for the communication tools and integrating everything through GPT-4:

  • Instant Messaging and Collaboration: Slack is an excellent tool for this, with robust integrations, including bots that can handle reminders and updates.
  • GPT-4 Integration: We can certainly look into integrating GPT-4 for automating certain responses and interactions. However, we'd need to ensure GPT-4's API can handle the specific tasks we're looking to automate.
  • One Interface to Rule Them All: Ideally, we'd have a single dashboard interfacing with all our tools, including GPT-4. This could be a custom-built interface on top of your existing tech stack, leveraging FastAPI for the backend to interact with Slack, GPT-4, and other services.

The key would be to have SCRUMAI act as the central hub, where all communications, including stand-ups, planning, and reviews, can be conducted. SCRUMAI would need to be programmed with the logic to handle these interactions, either through direct integrations or by using a combination of webhooks and APIs to connect the various services.

For the automation part, we could leverage FastAPI to create endpoints that SCRUMAI can hit to perform these tasks, and use MongoDB to keep track of all scheduled events, agendas, and action items.

Absolutely, envisioning SCRUMAI as the AI agent central dashboard is a great direction. Let's break down how it could work in practice:

Day One with SCRUMAI:

  1. Team Onboarding:
  2. Each team member logs into SCRUMAI using their credentials.
  3. SCRUMAI introduces itself and provides a brief tutorial on how to interact with it.

  4. Integration with Task Management:

  5. SCRUMAI is integrated with JIRA or GitHub for task management.
  6. It syncs all current issues, user stories, and tasks from JIRA/GitHub into its dashboard.
  7. Team members can view, update, and manage tasks directly through SCRUMAI.

  8. Communication:

  9. The team can send instant messages to SCRUMAI to ask questions, get status updates, or input new data.
  10. SCRUMAI can be integrated with Slack or a similar platform to facilitate real-time communication.
  11. SCRUMAI uses NLP to understand and respond to queries, and to update tasks or send notifications as needed.

  12. Daily Operations:

  13. SCRUMAI schedules and reminds team members of the daily stand-up, prompting them for updates.
  14. Updates are logged and visible in the SCRUMAI interface.
  15. SCRUMAI provides a daily summary of progress, blockers, and next steps.

  16. Sprint Ceremonies:

  17. For sprint planning, SCRUMAI facilitates the session by presenting the backlog, helping to estimate story points, and assigning tasks.
  18. During sprint reviews, SCRUMAI compiles the work completed and presents it for discussion.
  19. In retrospectives, SCRUMAI gathers feedback and suggests improvements for the next sprint.

To achieve this, SCRUMAI would need to be a robust platform with deep integrations into your workflow tools. Its backend could be built with FastAPI for handling the logic and API interactions. MongoDB would store all the data, and you could use Jinja2 templates for generating reports and summaries. Docker and Docker Compose would ensure consistent deployment, and AWS EC2 would host the application.

As the Product Owner, your interaction with SCRUMAI would be focused on setting priorities, refining the product backlog, and ensuring the vision and goals of the project are clear. SCRUMAI would handle the day-to-day admin and orchestration of tasks, allowing you to focus on the broader strategic picture.

This approach centralizes a given workflow, reduce the friction of using multiple tools, and keep everyone aligned on project goals and progress.

Streamlining the toolbox

Absolutely, Mat. Streamlining your toolset can significantly reduce complexity and improve efficiency. Here's how we can simplify your workflow with the existing tech stack and preferences for AWS:

Unified Project Management with GitHub:

  • Utilize GitHub Issues for task management, leveraging labels and milestones to organize the backlog and sprints.
  • GitHub Projects can serve as the Kanban board to visualize workflow stages from 'To Do' to 'Done'.
  • Use GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipelines to automate testing and deployment to AWS environments.

Documentation and Communication with GDocs Suite:

  • Keep project documentation in Google Docs, allowing for real-time collaboration and easy access.
  • Use Google Sheets for sprint planning and tracking, which can be easily shared and updated by the team.
  • Google Calendar integrates with GitHub and can be used for scheduling all sprint ceremonies, with automated reminders sent via Gmail.

Development Workflow:

  1. Coding with Visual Studio Code (VSC):
  2. Write code locally in VSC, potentially utilizing AI coding assistants like GitHub Copilot for enhanced productivity.
  3. Commit changes to your GitHub repository, which triggers GitHub Actions for automated tests.

  4. Testing and QA:

  5. Deploy to a QA environment on AWS for thorough testing. This can be an EC2 instance or use AWS Elastic Beanstalk for ease of deployment.
  6. Utilize AWS S3 buckets for any static assets that need to be part of the testing.

  7. Deployment:

  8. Once code passes QA, another GitHub Action deploys the production-ready build to the AWS production environment.
  9. Use AWS CloudWatch to monitor application health and performance in real-time.

  10. Feedback Loop:

  11. Gather user feedback through Google Forms or directly via the application.
  12. Update GitHub Issues with feedback for the next sprint cycle.

By centralizing your project management in GitHub, you minimize the context switching and keep all related activities in one ecosystem. GitHub's integration with Google Calendar for scheduling and Gmail for notifications ensures you stay on top of project timelines without leaving your workflow.

Additionally, using GitHub Actions as the backbone of your CI/CD process, you can automate code integration, testing, and deployment, all within the same platform. This approach not only simplifies your toolchain but also makes it more cohesive.

This workflow from coding in VSC to deploying in AWS creates a streamlined pipeline that covers all the bases while keeping the number of tools to a minimum.